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الرئيسية »  الجداول الدراسية

 الجداول الدراسية

  • المرحلة قبل الاكلينيكية

1st year

Semester (1)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact HoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
 3532DOB 111Dental anatomy and physiology 1
 3422MAN111General Anatomy 1
 2321MHS111General Histology 1
 3422MPS111General Physiology 1
 3422MBC111Biochemistry 1
 22—–2UNHS1101English Language

Semester (2)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
Dental anatomy and physiology 13532DOB122Dental anatomy and Physiology 2
General Anatomy 13422MAN122General Anatomy 2
General Histology 12321MHS122General Histology 2
General Physiology 13422MPS122General Physiology 2
Biochemistry 13422MBC122Biochemistry 2
 22——2UNHS1102Human Rights

Total credit hours in the 1st year are 32

2nd  year

Semester (3)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
 3422DOB 213  Oral Histology and Embryology 1
 3422DBM211Dental Biomaterials 1
 3422MPH211Pharmacology 1
 3422MGP211General Pathology 1
 2321MMB211Microbiology 1
 22—–2 Elective

Semester (4)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
Oral Histology and Embryology 13422DOB 224Oral Histology and Embryology 2
Dental Biomaterials 13422DBM222Dental Biomaterials 2
Pharmacology 13422MPH222Pharmacology 2  
General Pathology 13422MGP222General Pathology 2  
Microbiology 12321MMB222Microbiology 2
 3422DOP221Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 1
 11—–1DNT221Infection control
 11—–1 Elective

Total credit hours in the 2nd year are  35

3rd  year

Semester (5)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
 3541DRP311Removable Prosthodontics. 1
 3541DFP311Fixed prosthodontics.1
 3541DRD311Operative Dentistry 1
 2321DRA311Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 1
 2321DOR311Orthodontics 1
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 13422DOP312Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 2
 2321MGM311General Medicine I
 2321MGS311General Surgery

Semester (6)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
Operative Dentistry 13541DRD322  Operative Dentistry 2  
Fixed prosthodontics.13541DFP322Fixed Prosthodontics 2  
Removable Prosthodontics. 13541DRP322  Removable Prosthodontics 2  
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 12321DRA322  Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2
Orthodontics 12321DOR322Orthodontics 2  
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 22321DOP323Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 3
 3422DPM321Oral Diagnosis
 2321MGM322General Medicine
 2321MGS322General Surgery

Total credit hours in the 3rd year are  42

  • المرحلة الاكلينيكية

4th year

Semester (7)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
Operative Dentistry 2  2321DRD413Operative Dentistry 3
Fixed Prosthodontics 2  2321DFP413Fixed Prosthodontics.  3
Removable Prosthodontics 2  2321DRP413Removable Prosthodontics 3
 3422DPM412Oral Medicine 1
 2321DEN411Endodontics 1
 22—–2DPD411Preventive Dentistry and Dental Puplic health
 3422DOS411Oral and  Maxillofacial Surgery 1
 11 1 Elective

Semester (8)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
Operative Dentistry 32321DRD424Operative Dentistry 4
Fixed Prosthodontics.  32321DFP424Fixed Prosthodontics  4
Removable Prosthodontics 32321DRP424Removable Prosthodontics 4
Oral Medicine 12321DPM423Oral Medicine 2
Endodontics 12321DEN422Endodontics 2
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 23422DRA423Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 3
Oral and  Maxillofacial Surgery 13422DOS422Oral and  Maxillofacial Surgery 2
 2321DPM424Periodontology 1

Total credit  hours in the 4th  year are  35

5th  year

Semester (9)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
Operative Dentistry 43541DRD515Operative Dentistry 5
Fixed Prosthodontics  43541DFP515Fixed Prosthodontics. 5
Removable Prosthodontics 44642DRP515Removable Prosthodontics 5
Endodontics 22321DEN513Endodontics 3
Oral and  Maxillofacial Surgery 23422DOS513Oral and maxillofacial surgery 3
 2321DPD512Pediatric Dentistry 1
 2321DNT512Oral Implantology 1
Periodontology 12321DPM515Periodontology 2

Semester (10)

PrerequisitesCredit hoursContact hoursPract/ clin hoursLec. hoursCourse codeCourse Name
Operative Dentistry 53541DRD526Operative Dentistry 6
Fixed Prosthodontics. 53541DFP526Fixed Prosthodontics.  6
Removable Prosthodontics 53541DRP526Removable Prosthodontics 6
Endodontics 22321DEN524Endodontics 4
Oral and maxillofacial surgery 33422DOS524Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 4
Pediatric Dentistry 12321DPD523Pediatric Dentistry 2
 2321DPM526Special Care Dentistry
 2321DNT523Oral Implantology

Total credit hours in the 5th year are 41

The total credit hours of the program are 185 hrs